Over the years I’ve taken my share of typical team shots with the back row standing, front row kneeling. Of course, when the kids are really young, keeping everyone looking at you for long enough to get one good photo is a win. When my daughter started high school volleyball, I decided to up my game and get more creative with the team shot. Here are a few of my favorites:

But this fall was special – her Senior year – so I offered the girls a full-blown, offsite photo shoot at a local estate. The girls chose full uniforms but with hair down and light make-up, unlike their pony-tailed selves I always get when taking the photos in the gym before a game. My favorite shot is this candid, which I think really captures the energy and interplay between the girls:

The more formal shot is a close second. Amid the smiles I see their excitement and anticipation of the season to come:

At post time the team is 9-1. #proudmama